Your Fantasy Auction Donations Are Making a Difference

Did you attend the Fantasy Auction back in May 2024? Have you wondered how the proceeds were put to use? Here’s an update on the impact of your generous contributions:

1. Garden Lobby Doors
The Garden Lobby doors were in poor condition due to age and winter salt damage. The original doors, with their old and sagging pivot hinges, were retrofitted with durable continuous hinges, and the thresholds were replaced. The result? The locking mechanisms now function properly, ensuring better security and ease of use.

2. Schoyer Oak Pruning
The majestic 150-year-old pin oak in our front yard, named the Schoyer Oak in honor of the long-standing members in the Schoyer family, underwent much-needed pruning after years of neglect. This vital maintenance will:
• Promote the tree’s health.
• Deter raccoons from accessing the roof.
• Reduce the risk of dead branches breaking off in the wind and damaging the stained-glass windows.

3. Hearing Assist Devices
New hearing assist devices have been purchased to enhance the Sunday service experience for those who need them. If you’d like to use one, please speak with an usher. The devices are located near the sanctuary entrance by the Garden Lobby.

Thank you to the organizers of the Fantasy Auction and everyone who contributed their time, effort, and donations. Your support is helping us keep our building and grounds safe, welcoming, and in great shape!

Martin Schmidt
Chair, Building and Grounds Committee