As we enter a year of hybrid church activity, there is a small but growing need for volunteers! The time commitments will vary depending on the volunteer’s interests. Volunteers for adult faith programs will likely be facilitators for multiple ongoing sessions of a class. In contrast, volunteers for the various family programs will be needed for occasional events and/or virtual instruction. I am not listing specifics here because the opportunities will be tailored according to your ability and availability. We can use volunteer support in the following areas:
Sunday Virtual Religious Education for Young Children (15-minute lesson/story)
Middle School Youth (co-facilitate or assist monthly or special events, virtual or in-person)
Senior High Youth and Young Adults (co-facilitate or assist monthly or special events, virtual or in-person)
Adult Faith (book group or class co-facilitators)
We are especially looking for new instructors for the 7th – 9th and 10th through 12th grade Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education class offered in the spring. Our ability to offer this important program will depend on having trained facilitators. Good news!!! Training for those eligible is easier than ever; it will be offered virtually in January 2022. (The actual program will be facilitated in person with vaccinated and masked youth.)
All volunteers for programs involving minors, including senior high youth, will be required to undergo a background check, cost covered by the church.
If you have an interest and would like to know more, please reach out to me!