Topic: Life

“The Extraordinary in the Ordinary”

Livestreamed on YouTube (prelude begins at 10:25) Albert Einstein suggested that there are only two ways to live your life: as if nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is. How do you want to live your life? Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; music by Ellen Gozion, Instrumental Music Director.

“Words spoken before all others”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) In a prayer sometimes referred to as the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, the “words spoken before all others” are words of thanks.  We’ll explore the spiritual practice of gratitude, even in difficult times.  Led. by Rev. Connie Grant and Erica Shadowsong, Director of Lifespan Religious Education.  Music by Ellen … Continue reading “Words spoken before all others”


Livestreamed on YouTube at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) TBD seems to be an apt description for the condition of our lives. We’re living with uncertainty in so many ways.  Can we find comfort with uncertainty?  Of what can we be certain?  And what can be “determined”?  Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; music by … Continue reading “TBD”