Topic: Life

“Cosmic Christ”

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) The Holidays are upon us with images of the Christ child being born.  There are some incredibly beautiful stories that help reframe and imagine an all-inclusive Christianity. Rev. Kate Walker

“Our Ancestors: Food for the Soul.” Miguel Sague

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) The service will reflect on transitions in the circle of life, presenting perspectives from several indigenous cultures. Miguel Sague is a Cuban American and Beike in the CaneyIndigenous Spiritual Circle of Pittsburgh. Lifespan RE & Faith Development Director Erica Shadowsong will present a story. Music by Kris Rust … Continue reading “Our Ancestors: Food for the Soul.” Miguel Sague

“What’s in a Name?”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) The power of naming is often underestimated. Whether it’s a person’s name or interrupting someone in order to name oppression, there is power in the proclamation of proper names and moments. Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker

“LGBTQIA+ Pride”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) Homily by Bekezela Mguni, guest speaker.  Music by Kris Rust, Vocal Music Director.  Bekezela Mguni is a queer Trinidadian artist, radical librarian, community organizer, and educator. She holds an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh. Bekezela is a Boom Concepts studio member, a community space and gallery dedicated to the development of artists … Continue reading “LGBTQIA+ Pride”

“Being a Blessing”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) How to be a blessing: some everyday practices of attention and intentionality. Homily by Rev. Connie Grant. Music by Amaury Morales, guest pianist

“Coming of Age”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) Four youth will be graduating from the most unusual Coming of Age program we’ve had yet, completely virtual! Their creativity in their credo statements reflect their rise to the challenge of a pandemic year. Please join us as they share their powerful reflections on what values and … Continue reading “Coming of Age”

May the Circle be Broken

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25)  Who is invited in matters, as it should and must?  But into what are we inviting people?  Radical hospitality is not just a practice, it’s a world view that for some, may require a paradigm shift.  If we’re going to envision a new world view together, we … Continue reading May the Circle be Broken

“What were you expecting?”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) Founded on anticipation or assumption, expectations can be enlivening or deadly. Homily by Rev. Connie Grant. Music by the Dr. James Johnson Jazz Trio, guest musicians.