Topic: Guest Speaker

MLK Celebration

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am Rev. Dr. Asa Lee, President of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, is our guest, speaking on “Treasures We Produce.”

“Where can I go?”

Recorded at 10:30 am Homelessness is on the rise. As rent prices soar and the cost of living continues to get out of hand, more and more individuals and families find themselves asking, “Where can I go?”. Robert Piemme has worked for a social service agency for the past few years and does street outreach to our … Continue reading “Where can I go?”

“The Purpose of Life”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am We are here on this planet to utilize life to the fullest so that it has a purpose for ourselves and for others too. Explore your own purpose and hear inspiration about the school in India that First Unitarian Church has been sponsoring for 20 years.