The global UUA Faithify campaign that our church led surpassed the $19,500 total for the Rain Water Harvesting facility for the Khasi Hills school that our church has sponsored since 2003.
Of the 122 donors, 45 were from our local area. Thanks to all the big and smaller drops that made this happen! Team India Rain Harvest also included representatives from First Unitarian Dallas and UUMAN (Metro North Atlanta) as well as Khasi Hills, India. It was inspiring to see what a UU team could make happen!
Most of us take for granted having a glass of water with every meal. At this Unitarian school attended by over 500 children, these children don’t.
The money will help replace the current village rainwater harvesting facility, which is no longer reliable as climate change causes erratic rain patterns as compared to past trends. Clean drinking water should be a human right.
An engineering structural plan for a new rainwater harvesting facility has been designed and is ready to go. The planned facility will serve multiple purposes:
• provide a consistent supply of drinking water
• ensure water for latrines and sanitation
• regulatory compliance with the Indian government rules
• model for local villagers to create their own water supplies
Raising funds for sponsoring the two teachers’ yearly salaries continues ($4,800 each) and contributions can be made on our web site choosing the drop-down menu Khasi Hills Sponsorship at https://www.first-unitarian-pgh.org/connect/donate.