Our Share the Plate Recipient for the month of April is CeaseFirePA of
Western Pennsylvania. CeaseFirePA is our Commonwealth’s Gun
Violence Prevention Organization. Their work is far reaching: They
organize with communities closest to the issue, educate the public,
hold those in power accountable and work to support and maximize
the strengths and contributions of every member in their broad
coalition of anti-violence organizations——understanding that the
strongest work is done by many working together.
Some of CeaseFirePA’s past successes include
- Winning over 150 million in government grant funding for
community based nonprofits, local governments, and school districts
who fun violence intervention and prevention programs - Passage of a law to disarm domestic abusers in PA
- Strengthening the background check system for gun purchases.
On April 2nd we will welcome CeaseFirePA’s Western PA manager,
Josh Fleitman, to describe their important work.