The 2025 Stewardship Campaign is officially underway!

The campaign theme, Our Journey Together, recognizes that we are on a shared journey.

We are lifting up our UU shared value of Generosity – one of six inseparable shared values adopted by our General Assembly earlier this year.

The statement about Generosity in the revised Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws reads as follows:

We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.

We covenant to freely and compassionately share our faith, presence, and resources. Our generosity connects us to one another in relationships of interdependence and mutuality.

We are asking you to renew your financial commitment to our beloved community for 2025 so that we may continue to provide the inspirational educational programs, music, worship, and outreach that mean so much to all of us.

Specifically, we request that if you are financially able, you increase your pledge by 5%. An increase at this level will enable the church to accomplish the following:

· Preserve all staff and programs (music, religious education, etc.)

· Provide a full cost-of-living increase to all staff and contractors to match inflation

· Increase RE director Erica Shadowsong’s professional development benefits to match new UUA guidelines

· Fully cover the church’s share of an expected increase in health insurance premiums (currently estimated at 7%)

· Cover all expected cost increases for services like insurance and utilities

· Maintain a long-run balanced budget

· Continue our 25-year history of making a Fair Share contribution to the UUA. (This “Honor Congregation” status helped us obtain a UUA grant to bring our intern minister, Mac Perkins-High, to Pittsburgh.)

From the founding of the First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh in 1820 to the present day, this community has existed because of the commitment and the generosity of its members and friends. Our historic church building; our minister, religious education (RE) director, directors of music, office and security staff; the worship services, social justice programs, and interpersonal connections we all value so much are here for us only because – and only if – we choose to support them.

The pledging process (same as last year):

If you pledged last year, we have provided you with a “rollover pledge” amount that reflects a 5% increase over your 2024 pledge. You have until October 31 to either do nothing and accept the rollover pledge OR go to an online form [link to:] and adjust your pledge amount up or down.

We ask you to make the most generous pledge you can, after considering your financial circumstances.

Please note that a Fair Share pledge—3% to 5% of your income as you define it—is especially appreciated if you are not already pledging at this level.  

Your annual pledge is a vital contribution to ensuring the continuation of our journey together in the coming year.

Please let your pledge reflect your gratitude for the beloved community we nurture and share at First Unitarian.

Thank you for your generosity!