Sunday Morning Children’s Enrichment – Fall 2023 Program Announcement

Fall programs begin September 17th!

This year, we are excited to have three programs suitable for school-aged children. The ages span from PreK to 5th grade, with each class consisting of three grades grouped together for developmentally appropriate learning. While the classes are offered for specific grades in general, parents and guardians have the freedom and flexibility to choose based on their sense of a child’s readiness for a particular class. 

Spirit Play is a Unitarian Universalist program of religious education that evolved from a long line of Montessori-based religious education programming, including Sofia Cavalletti’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Jerome Berryman’s Godly Play™, and Joyce Zaugg’s The Children’s Hour. It is based on story and ritual, play and creativity. Spirit Play gives children the tools to make meaning of their lives within the container of Unitarian Universalism.

Embodying lifespan faith development for our congregations, Tapestry of Faith is a collection of curricula and resources that nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love.

Spirit Play I (PreK – K)

Spirit Play: Hide and Seek with God

Spirit Play II (First – Third Grade)

Spirit Play: Stories and Holidays

Tapestry of Faith (Fourth & Fifth Grade)

Riddle & Mystery

Youth Programs

Additionally, we are planning to have two programs for youth, one for junior high and one for senior. These programs are not on Sunday mornings, but take place 1-2 times a month on an evening, typically Sundays. (Sixth graders may attend the junior high Building Bridges program OR the Sunday morning Tapestry of Faith program based on developmental needs and maturity level of the child.)

Junior High Youth (Seventh – Ninth Grade)  – Begins in October

Building Bridges – A World Religions Program

Senior High Youth (Tenth – Twelfth Grade) – Early fall (TBD)

Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education

We are now filling our volunteer teaching positions for these programs! What does teaching involve? 

  • Commitment to co-teach at least 2 Sundays a month from September (or October) to May
  • Curricula readily available online to peruse or access as needed, as well as binder copies provided to each teacher
  • Lessons are fully scripted to provide minimal outside planning time for volunteers
  • Material is fun! Volunteers get to explore big questions and interactive activities with the children and youth of the congregation

We warmly and strongly encourage anyone who is eligible to explore this unique volunteer experience. You will work with a team of co-teachers, most of whom are long-time, experienced volunteers. We value the opportunity to create intergenerational community experiences within the congregation. If you feel a call to teach or are even just curious, please reach out to me at