Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kate Walker

“The Happiness Button”

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) Can being generous provide happiness and satisfaction?  Are we just chasing clouds when we strive for happiness?  What about satisfaction, or do we shift expectations to just getting by?

“Who is the Other?” 

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) We’ve entered an era when we are barely able to speak to one another for fear of entering into conflict, anger, and, worst case, dehumanization. Can Unitarian Universalists use our 1st Principle and proposed 8th Principle to guide us and deepen our commitment to the living faith … Continue reading “Who is the Other?” 

“Welcome to a World of Sensational Experience” 

(Multigenerational Ingathering) Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) Our annual Ingathering worship will focus on the beauty of the world in our sensational experiences, touch, hearing, visual and intuitive, all to remind us of how important we are to one another. Please bring a small amount of water from your summer wanderings.  Perhaps … Continue reading “Welcome to a World of Sensational Experience” 

“Community-Based Organizing”

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) This is a multigenerational worship service As we celebrate another Labor Day, we will examine how labor movements, particularly leaders like Saul Alinsky, have influenced today’s churches and the justice movement through organizations such as PIIN (Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network).  

“Question Box Sunday”    

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) This is the annual Sunday when I welcome written questions from those in attendance. Various topics are welcome, particularly around UU theology, dogs, and tea. I hold the right to defer to actual experts. Please submit your questions to me by Aug. 12 at minister@first-unitarian-pgh.org  OOS

    Principles and Purposes  pt. 2

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) This is the second of a two-part reflection on the Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles. How did the Principles come into our faith, and are they enough to hold our identity, while letting us grow? Order of Service

  “Inherent Principles of Faith, Part 1 of 2”  

Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. (prelude begins at 10:25) This is the first of a two-part reflection on the Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles. How did the Principles come into our faith, and are they enough to hold our identity while letting us grow? We are offering our Annual Flower Communion and UU tradition from Prague. Please bring … Continue reading   “Inherent Principles of Faith, Part 1 of 2”  

“Our Body Ourselves”

Livestreamed at 10:30 AM (prelude begins at 10:25). As Unitarian Universalists we Covenant to Affirm and Promote the Principle of the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person.  Does this Principle conflict with a woman’s right to choose to end a pregnancy