Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kate Walker

“Do You Smell Gas?”

Recorded at 10:30 am While the idea of gaslighting is not new, its recent increase in use creates questions within questions and considerable self-doubt.  What tools do we have to help in our discernment?  How can our faith prevent a slide into disbelief about what is verifiably true? 

“Forgiveness and Other Acts of Faith”

Recorded at 10:30 Do Unitarian Universalists have a tradition of forgiveness and reconciliation?  What might we learn from other faiths?  What spiritual practices might we learn to welcome in our lives as we let go of hurt? 

Earth Day is Every Day

Recorded at 10:30 We are celebrating our beautiful planet, and calling forth our courage to ensure future generations can look back with gratitude for all we did to protect their future.  

Healthy Boundaries and Surviving Ministry

Recorded at 10:30 Professional ministry, particularly in the parish, can be stressful.  Health insurance companies don’t like to insure clergy, and actuarial experts are pessimistic about life expectancy.  So, how do clergy thrive in a high-stress job culture?  The Theme of the Month is Humility, which may be one of the most important character traits for … Continue reading Healthy Boundaries and Surviving Ministry