Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kate Walker

“What’s in a Name?”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) The power of naming is often underestimated. Whether it’s a person’s name or interrupting someone in order to name oppression, there is power in the proclamation of proper names and moments. Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker

“Question Box”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) This is the annual Sunday when I welcome written questions from those in “attendance.” A wide variety of topics is welcome, although I hold the right to defer to actual experts. For this year’s online worship, please submit your questions to me by Aug. 13 at minister@first-unitarian-pgh.org. Rev. … Continue reading “Question Box”

“Where Are You From?”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) A simple question, perhaps an innocent and curious question, but often not easy to answer. Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker 

May the Circle be Broken

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25)  Who is invited in matters, as it should and must?  But into what are we inviting people?  Radical hospitality is not just a practice, it’s a world view that for some, may require a paradigm shift.  If we’re going to envision a new world view together, we … Continue reading May the Circle be Broken