Speaker: Erica Shadowsong

 Winter Solstice

Livestreamed at 7:30 pm (prelude begins at 7:25) This Winter Solstice evening service with the Dance Choir will include ritual, meditation, movement, and music in a peaceful space to imagine and move forward together in the community, sharing our gifts and creating together in joy. This is a multigenerational service.


A multi-generational service of stories and music that celebrates our experience of life’s great mysteries and the Mystery that some call God. This is a service for all ages, and children will remain in the service for its entirety. Erica Shadowsong and Ellen Gozion are leading. Livestreamed at 10:30 AM (prelude begins at 10:25). The Installation … Continue reading “Mystery”

“Coming of Age”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) Four youth will be graduating from the most unusual Coming of Age program we’ve had yet, completely virtual! Their creativity in their credo statements reflect their rise to the challenge of a pandemic year. Please join us as they share their powerful reflections on what values and … Continue reading “Coming of Age”