Share The Plate for September is PIIN – Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network

PIIN is a vehicle for people of faith from Pittsburgh and the region to come together, express the deepest values of their traditions, and affect systemic change on commonly held issues of injustice, disparity, and discrimination. We know that positive social change in society has always come from organized people in some form and that the organized faith community has often formed the backbone of the most powerful social movements in this country (such as the Civil Rights Movement.)

We also recognize that our current society does not reflect our shared faith values, as too many of our families lack living wage jobs, quality public education, and a healthy, safe environment and neighborhood. We believe our shared faith values call us to act together as agents of change to create a more just world.

PIIN currently has more than 40 member institutions across Pittsburgh.. Our spiritual leaders and members of our congregations collectively set the agenda for the organization. We identify and select the issues PIIN addresses. We analyze the power dynamics around an issue and work with politicians and policymakers to create the policy changes we need to transform our communities.

Our current priorities include Criminal Justice Reform, Public Education Equity, Environmental Justice, and Reducing Gun Violence. Join us!!! Contact First UU member: …and to learn more about PIIN, go to :