Our Share the Plate Recipient for the month of June is CeaseFirePA. We last shared the plate with CeaseFirePA in April of 2023, and several members of First Unitarian and Rev. Kate have recently lobbied in Harrisburg with CFPA, so we are already friends.
Gun Violence is widespread and rising in PA: 33 people die each week by guns. Our Pittsburgh community is far from immune. CeaseFire has created a Common Agenda for legislation to end Gun Violence and does organizing and education work throughout PA to further the agenda’s goals: ~Extreme Risk Protection Order
~Lost/Stolen Gun Reporting
~Universal Background Checks
~Safe Storage of guns.
For example, many community organizations (in healthcare, Veterans Services, and Faith Communities) work with CeaseFire PA to press our legislature to bring these items forward. It is a challenge, and as CeaseFire’s website tells us, NO ONE IS FREE FROM GUN VIOLENCE IN PA UNTIL WE ARE ALL SAFE.
We will be joined (Sunday, June 2) by Beth Foringer, CeaseFire Coordinator for Western PA, to enlighten us further about this important work.