Archives: Services

Sustaining Gratitude

Livestreamed at 10:30 In this annual multi-generational worship service, we’ll renew and deepen our gratitude for all we have, even as we name those who have so much less.  Sustaining our gratitude in times of stress, turmoil and trouble is a time-honored ritual, and an important spiritual and emotional foundation for building a future together.  

Meeting God in the Khasi Hills of India

Livestreamed at 10:30 One does not ordinarily meet God knowingly or unknowingly, mostly because it’s unexpected.  But I go in search of the one ever-loving God of the Unitarian people who are cultivating harmony.  This is the original tribal understanding of God: A mother-father, creative, nurturing, ever-present force of love in their world. 

“We are courageous and angry air quality activists.”

Livestreamed at 10:30 “US Steel’s Clairton Coke Works is the largest coke making facility in North America.  The air quality in Clairton and Glassport, along the Monongahela River in Allegheny County, is very poor.  Two members of Valley Clean Air Now express the roles courage and anger play in their activism.”

“Ingathering: The Fragility and Strength of Hospitality,” 

Livestreamed at 10:30 Our Theme of the Month is Welcome.  Let us welcome each other in this multigenerational worship as we ease back into the routine of fall.  Let us welcome each other with genuine curiosity and intention of expanding our experiences. We will engage in our annual Ingathering Water Ritual, please bring a small sample … Continue reading “Ingathering: The Fragility and Strength of Hospitality,”