Archives: Services

Healthy Boundaries and Surviving Ministry

Recorded at 10:30 Professional ministry, particularly in the parish, can be stressful.  Health insurance companies don’t like to insure clergy, and actuarial experts are pessimistic about life expectancy.  So, how do clergy thrive in a high-stress job culture?  The Theme of the Month is Humility, which may be one of the most important character traits for … Continue reading Healthy Boundaries and Surviving Ministry

“Movements of the Spirit”

Recorded at 10:30 We UU’s are a lovably funny bunch. We often focus on the rational and humanist strains of our faith. And yet, we also affirm the power and wisdom of our “direct experiences of transcending mystery and wonder.” In this month when we explore emergence, let’s reflect on what it might mean to embrace moments … Continue reading “Movements of the Spirit”

Building Hope 

Livestreamed at 10:30 Younger generations are calling us to look at and abandon the relentless pursuit of ever upwards, optimistic expectation of human advancement. Instead, we are called to carve out hope amidst the daily struggles with pain and the discovery of joy.  This is not a smooth ride!  Life brings us bumps, bruises and crashes, … Continue reading Building Hope 

Love’s the Thing 

According to the Ancient Greeks, there are 8 different kinds of love. However you look at it, any kind of love can be messy. It’s not always hearts, flowers, chocolates, and happily ever after. This week of Valentine’s Day, let’s look at when love is hard and messy and may even require us to choose … Continue reading Love’s the Thing 

The Great Human Experiment

The challenge for the earth is how its most powerful experiment, humanity, will respond to self-destruction. Can humanity’s greatest assets, perseverance, creativity, compassion and vision, among some, save us from ourselves? The theme for February is “perseverance.”