Archives: Services

 “Communities, Care, & Change.”

Recorded at 10:30 am In our UU communities, we commit to accept one another and to care for one another. What do these commitments require of us as a community? How can we build Beloved Communities where all are welcome and cared for? Pittsburgh-born and bred Michael DeSantis (they/them) is a proud “yinzer” and Aspirant for … Continue reading  “Communities, Care, & Change.”

“Stories of the Welcoming the Traveler”.

Recorded at 10:30 am First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh and the Refugee Team welcome Christy Lagnese and Alina Harbourne from Jewish Family and Community Services.  Christy is the Community Engagement Coordinator and Alina is the Refugee Partnerships Supervisor.  They will share stories of refugees coming from all over the world to Pittsburgh and the challenges they overcome. … Continue reading “Stories of the Welcoming the Traveler”.

“Forgiveness and Other Acts of Faith”

Recorded at 10:30 Do Unitarian Universalists have a tradition of forgiveness and reconciliation?  What might we learn from other faiths?  What spiritual practices might we learn to welcome in our lives as we let go of hurt? 

Earth Day is Every Day

Recorded at 10:30 We are celebrating our beautiful planet, and calling forth our courage to ensure future generations can look back with gratitude for all we did to protect their future.