Archives: Services

“Words spoken before all others”

Livestreamed at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) In a prayer sometimes referred to as the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, the “words spoken before all others” are words of thanks.  We’ll explore the spiritual practice of gratitude, even in difficult times.  Led. by Rev. Connie Grant and Erica Shadowsong, Director of Lifespan Religious Education.  Music by Ellen … Continue reading “Words spoken before all others”


Livestreamed on YouTube at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25) TBD seems to be an apt description for the condition of our lives. We’re living with uncertainty in so many ways.  Can we find comfort with uncertainty?  Of what can we be certain?  And what can be “determined”?  Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; music by … Continue reading “TBD”


Livestreamed on YouTube (prelude begins at 10:25) Whether or not the results of the presidential election are known, where are we today?  What can we do to make a positive difference in the world right now? Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; music by Ellen Gozion, Instrumental Music Director.

Celebrating life and death in a time of a pandemic

Livestreamed on YouTube How do we grieve our personal and congregational losses at a time when grief is pervasive? In honor of All Souls Day, we’ll remember congregants and others who have died in the past year. Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; music by Ellen Gozion, Instrumental Music Director, and Danny Rectenwald, guitar.

What Pittsburgh, a T-Rex named Penny, and Violence Can teach us about The Future of Religion and Unitarian Universalism Religion, including Unitarian Universalism is at a moment in time. Can it survive? And what must it do in order to survive? What must we do? We’ll explore our place in today’s world, and why it’s metaphorical meteorites and not a comet that could wipe us out. Homily by Rev. Keith Kron; music by … Continue reading What Pittsburgh, a T-Rex named Penny, and Violence Can teach us about The Future of Religion and Unitarian Universalism

Stories from 200 years

View the service on YouTube Founded in 1820, the First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh has had a fascinating history as it has responded to changing times. We’ll explore some of these stories in several ways, from Crankie to slideshow to a historian’s perspective on a formative figure. Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; Reflection by Kathy … Continue reading Stories from 200 years

Celebrating Indigenous Culture We know that Americas and specifically, southwestern Pennsylvania were once home to Indigenous People, but what do we know about the Indigenous People still here, living among us? Reflection “Our Journey in the Indigenous Community of Pittsburgh: Aspirations for the Future” by Miguel Sague; Reflection “How We Can Be Present with Indigenous People in … Continue reading Celebrating Indigenous Culture

Connection, Community, Tradition The annual celebration of Founders Day by our Khasi Hills partners in India can inspire us to honor our own Unitarian Universalist roots, connect and nurture our community, and serve the wider world. The service will include a greeting from our Khasi Hills partners, a traditional dance from Northeast India by Pittsburgh’s Nandanik Dance … Continue reading Connection, Community, Tradition

Keep On Moving Forward

As you celebrate the 200th anniversary of your founding as a congregation, how will you commit to continue to support and care for your church in 2021? Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; music by Ellen Gozion, Director of Instrumental Music. Livestreamed on YouTube

Forgiving, not Forgetting Forgiveness is difficult; forgiving and forgetting may be impossible. Forgiving and remembering may be more attainable, as well as more useful. Homily by Rev. Connie Grant; reflection by Erica Shadowsong, Director of music by Kris Rust, Choral Music Director.

Ingathering Whether or not you’ve been “away” lately, we’ll celebrate the ingathering of this community on the Sunday after Labor Day, as usual! What do you bring to this community from your experience of recent months? If you’d like to participate in a water blessing, please have a small container of water at hand. A … Continue reading Ingathering