Archives: Services

MLK Celebration

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am Rev. Dr. Asa Lee, President of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, is our guest, speaking on “Treasures We Produce.”

“Grandmother God” 

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am Join me in an exploration of Nana Buruku; this profound, primordial representation of deity that originates with the Fon and Dahomey people of west Africa. Nana Buruku is a cosmic creator, equivalent in scale to some of the creator god concepts more familiar to us in the western world. Aged, female, and … Continue reading “Grandmother God” 

“Intersection of Hope with Living”

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am Our Theme of the Month for January is Intersectionality, a term that attempts to capture living with a complex weaving of needs and wants. Today, we will explore creating hope as witnesses, allies, advocates, and activists. 

“Believing in Miracles”

Livestreamed  at 7:00 pm “We have two Christmas Eve services exploring the stories around miracles and ending with candles and Silent Night. The 4:30 p.m. service features family favorite music and hymns, and a 7 p.m. service celebrating with the UU Community Singers and a brass trio.” 

“Believing in Miracles”

Livestreamed  at 4:30 pm “We have two Christmas Eve services exploring the stories around miracles and ending with candles and Silent Night. The 4:30 p.m. service features family favorite music and hymns, and a 7 p.m. service celebrating with the UU Community Singers and a brass trio.” 

“The Master Plan of the Universe”

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am I figured it out!  Well, I heard it on a popular TV show, but I am ready to share it. The Theme of the Month is Blessing, so let me share the master plan of the universe. You, too, can be a blessing to others.