Come play board games on Monday night! We meet twice a month. With the holidays around the corner, we will have a festive evening with Christmas music, hot cider, and other goodies.
Come play board games on Monday night! We meet twice a month. With the holidays around the corner, we will have a festive evening with Christmas music, hot cider, and other goodies.
This Sunday, support the youth in Our Whole Lives when you visit the Alternative Gift Market! They will be selling holiday cookies to help fund this important program on sexuality education.
Church Treasurer Kyle Gracey presented an overview of the draft 2025 budget at a congregational meeting on Sunday, December 8. The budget projects total income of about $563,000 and total expenses of about $566,000, for a projected deficit of about $3,000. The draft budget will enable the church to meet all of the following objectives, … Continue reading Annual Budget Meeting: Key Takeaways
DID YOU KNOW that First Unitarian has a loan program for medical assistance items? If you, a friend, or a family member has a short-term need for crutches, a wheelchair, a walker, or other assistance items, please contact Ioulía at
Please take 10 minutes to help assess the performance of the Board of Trustees by filling out the brief survey. The congregation’s assessment of the Board is the final part of our comprehensive assessment program. Thank you to everyone who helped to assess Rev. Kate and parts of the congregation in earlier surveys over the … Continue reading Help Assess the Board by Dec 30
East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) was founded in 1970 as a collective response to changes in the East End community, born when local faith communities recognized that the troubles of the community were too great for any one of them to address alone. EECM was initially envisioned to serve the young, the elderly, and the … Continue reading December’s Share the Plate recpient is EECM
Join us for the online presentation of the draft church budget for 2025. Church treasurer Kyle Gracey will present the budget, and then take questions and comments from members. A Zoom link will be emailed prior to the meeting. The meeting will also be livestreamed in the Undercroft Gallery. Following the budget discussion, we will … Continue reading Annual Budget Meeting December 8 at Noon
12/03/24 @7:30 pm Nick Izzo will be leading this month’s discussion. Over the years, Nick has heard many people question the ethics of putting patients in clinical trials on a placebo that has no hope of benefiting them. During his career, Nick has closely followed and has been involved in several clinical trials. Through a … Continue reading Humanist Group December meeting
As has been our tradition for many years, we will be collecting toys and gifts for the children served by the Mathilda Theiss Health Center in the Hill District. Please look for the tree in the Garden Lobby.Due to Thanksgiving being late this year, the timeline is very short. Please consider using Mathilda Theiss’s wish … Continue reading Wish Lists for Mathilda Theiss!
Our church’s Quilter’s covenant group has made a gorgeous 76×84″ quilt. It will be randomly selected as a gift to someone who has contributed, through Faithify, to the UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund. Contribute now, and you will be entered to win! (See the picture or visit the quilt in the garden lobby at the church.) … Continue reading Donate to the UUA disaster relief fund and win a quilt!
Thurs 14 November @ UU Church of the North Hills5:45 – 6:45 – dinner7-9pm – rehearsal Sat 16 November @ UUCNH1pm optional performance for the UU Pgh Cluster Assembly Sun 17 Nov “tour” @ Allegheny UU Church10:30am optional performance at Sunday service More information and registration info: