Our goal continues to be to support the two additional teachers that were needed following the inauguration of our new Higher Secondary School in June 2016. We’ve raised $9600 for two teachers’ salaries ($4800 each) the last three years, doing so until government funding kicks in after accreditation. This school enables students to complete high school locally rather than traveling to the state capital.
Please consider contributing by going to the Donate section under Connect and choose Khasi Hills from the drop-down menu. You may also send a check to First Unitarian Church, noting Khasi Hills in the memo line.
The typical donation over the years has been $50. More needed from some. Give what you can.
$500 for one month of a teacher’s salary
$250 for two weeks of a teacher’s salary
$125 for one week of a teacher’s salary
$50 for two days of a teacher’s salary
$25 for one day of a teacher’s salary
You are making a concrete difference in the world!
Khasi Hills 2020-2021 School Sponsorship Project Outreach