Gathering of Men
The Men’s Group meets monthly. We have volunteer leaders. Men sign up for a date to lead and pick their own topics. If they don’t want to sign up there is no pressure to do so. The Leaders don’t “give a speech,” or necessarily talk a lot, but get the discussion started.
Topics vary widely, usually issues related to men’s lives: wills, family relationships, key events in our lives, issues with mothers, sons and fathers, dying, and many unusual topics. We don’t attempt to be a “support group,” type of gathering, but the group is very “supportive” to the men who come regularly. It is not uncommon that a man has come and described a personal concern, grief or joy and stated he came specifically that night because this was weighing on him and he wanted to feel the support of the other men. The group can and does provide that.
We have a lot of fun and laughter. It isn’t learning from the topics that is most valued. It’s the sharing of ideas and thoughts and a chance to express our feelings and concerns to other men and get some feedback, which most of us find of value. Meetings are very low key, friendly and very beneficial. We average 10 to 15 in attendance most meetings. We encourage new men to check out the group. There are no dues, membership or other requirements – just show up.