The Small Group Ministry allows friends and members to meet in smaller groups for a shared purpose, including Addictions Ministry, Covenant Groups, Gathering of Men, Transitions Group, UU Christian Fellowship, WomanSpirit, and Women’s Alliance.

Addictions Ministry Sharing Group

The Addictions Ministry Sharing Group meets monthly during the regular church year; we gather to share our experiences as addicts and family and friends of addicts. We celebrate our successes, share our challenges and look forward with hope. We encourage all who have been touched by addiction to join us in a caring environment as we share experiences. Other recommended community website links Addiction Resource, which promotes health through education, and, a group of professionals helping those struggling with alcoholism. 

Covenant Group Team

A covenant group includes six to twelve church members and friends who intentionally and regularly gather to build a sense of community with one another and to share the process of personal spiritual growth. A covenant group offers opportunities for friendship, spiritual growth, mutual responsibility, leadership, and service. Many people have found that belonging to a covenant group has become one of the most important parts of their connection with First Unitarian Church.

Gathering of Men

The Men’s Group, has been meeting at First Unitarian Church since 1991. It meets the second Wednesday of each month – September through May – from 7:30 to 9:00 in the Priestley Room. ALL
members and friends and the public are welcome. Discussion sessions are led by
volunteers who pick their own topics. It is a rare opportunity to express your thoughts
to and hear the thoughts of other men. You may “recognize” other men at 1st UU,
perhaps even know their names. Come and turn “recognition,” into “friends.” For
more information contact Jim Reitz.

Humanist Group

The First Church Humanist Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month during the church year to discuss humanism as a philosophy of life and topics of current interest where a humanistic viewpoint may be helpful. As examples of the latter, last year we had speakers on Artificial Intelligence, the gene editing tool CRSPR, and Separation of Church and State, as well as programs on what humanism is, the history of humanism, whether humanism has a “dark side,” and what humanism has to say about some other problems in science and technology. All our programs allow plenty of time for questions and discussion by the attendees.

Transitions Group

“Transitions Gather-In,” a group of folk talking about life transitions, the challenges we face as we get older, as we want to down-size, as we find living in our homes harder, as we just want to make our lives simpler, meets every month. Please come if you would like to talk about these life issues with us.

Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship

The UUCF INTENT is to provide a respectful, stimulating weekly forum in which any UU, but especially those who identify themselves within the Christian realm of our diverse faith spectrum, may 1) reclaim valued aspects of their Christian heritage; 2) deepen their understanding of the Christian story with the aid of UUA and other resources; 3) share and explore Christian practices that may contribute to their well-being and spiritual formation, and 4) clarify their personal faith convictions to-date.


WomanSpirit is the evening women’s group at First Unitarian Church meeting monthly for a potluck dinner in a member’s home. We welcome new members and friends of First Unitarian Church.

Women’s Alliance

The mission of the Women’s Alliance is to enable Unitarian Universalist women to join together for mutual support, personal growth, and spiritual enrichment, and through their combined strength and vision, to work toward a future where all women will be empowered to live their lives with a sense of wholeness and integrity in a world at peace that recognizes the worth and dignity of each individual.

Find email addresses for all committees, teams & groups

Small Group Updates

4-Part Discussion and Skills-Building Series: Grappling with Caste in America

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent*, written by Isabel Wilkerson, provides a useful way to understand the persistence of racism in the US. Wilkerson’s book shows us that anti-Black racism has created a container into ...
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Racial Justice Task Force Monthly Film

In this 100th anniversary month of the birth of legendary thinker and writer James Baldwin, the Racial Justice Task Force has chosen a 1965 Cambridge debate between him and Williams Buckley as our monthly film. ...
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Report from the Quilting Group

The quilters who were selling their work in the lobby want to thank you for your attention and support. We hope you enjoyed the quilt exhibit in the Undercroft Gallery and that you stopped by ...
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Nov. 8 Men’s Group Meeting

How we approach dying will be the topic of the Nov. 8 Men’s Group meeting. Rich Haverlack will lead the conversation. For people of a certain age, as the “Inevitable” approaches, it might be wise to ...
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The Sewing Circle

The Sewing Circle met for the first time in November and made 21 colorful pillowcases that will be given to Children’s Hospital. Folks who attended had a great time sewing and ironing and getting to ...
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