Pastoral Care Ministry
Pastoral care is available to all members and friends, new and longstanding.
Minister’s Benevolence Fund
The Minister’s Benevolence Fund (formerly known as Marion’s Purse) has practical resources to share. We have Giant Eagle cards to help with financial and life needs.
Medical Equipment Loan
First Unitarian has durable medical equipment available for loan. If you have items to loan or need to borrow something, this team can help.
Pastoral Care Team
Pastoral Care Team members bring deep compassion as well as a mix of formal training and practical experience to their pastoral ministry. The Pastoral Care Team assists the minister and congregation in providing a circle of loving support to members and friends of First Unitarian Church. They host a Caring Connections Table at the Coffee Hour sign a card for a member, choose a card for friends in need, or speak informally with a member of the Pastoral Care Team.
Find email addresses for all committees, teams & groups

Pastoral Care Updates
A Chant from the story “A big red spot” with Erica Shdowsong
Pastoral Care and Connections Message
Pastoral Care and Connections Message
Pastoral Care and Connections Message
Pastoral Care and Connections Message