Each one of us is a cell of our amazing Earth. As we connect with ourselves and
each other and take care, we support the healing our earth, all beings, climate. During this weekend retreat, we will be doing some simple self-care practices and exploring what the four stages of the Work That Reconnects Spiral: Gratitude, Honoring our Pain for the World, Seeing with Fresh (and ancient) Eyes, and Going Forth mean for each one of us.
Friday, May 5th, 7–8.30 pm
Saturday, May 6th, 9am–2 pm
Sunday, May 7th, 4–6 pm
Suggested donation of $35 – 50 for the weekend, but please pay what you can.
Please pay via the church’s website: Donate – First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh
You may also pay in person by cash or check at the retreat.
Please use this form to reserve your spot by Monday, May 1.
We’ll email you about lunch and practical arrangements.
Rev. Stephanie Gannon is the Affiliated Community Minister at First Unitarian Church. She trained as a Work That Reconnects facilitator in 2020. Kirsi Jansa is a climate guide and communicator, Tara Rokpa Training healing relaxation course leader. She has studied with The Work That Reconnects and Active Hope network for many years.
For more information about the Work That Reconnects and Active Hope originally developed by Joanna Macy: www.workthatreconnects.net, www.activehope.info.