Category: Khasi Hills

The Founding of Khasi Hills Unitarians in India

Every September, Founders Day is celebrated in the Khasi Hills. We’ve been asked about the founding many times by curious congregation members, “how did Unitarianism become a stronghold in this very rural remote part of India?” It wasn’t a ”sure thing- “ the religious history of these hills has many plots, secrets, and pathways. The … Continue reading The Founding of Khasi Hills Unitarians in India

Khasi Hills 2021-2022 School Sponsorship Project Outreach

Our goal continues to be to support the two additional teachers that were needed following the inauguration of our new Higher Secondary School in June 2016. We’ve raised $9600 for two teachers’ salaries ($4800 each) the last four years, doing so until government funding kicks in after accreditation. This school enables students to complete high … Continue reading Khasi Hills 2021-2022 School Sponsorship Project Outreach

Live Zoom Visit with our Khasi Hills India Friends

Join us Sunday, May 23 9:30-10:30 to connect via ZOOM with Barri Mukhim and Nangroi Suting, our Khasi Hills friends. Barri is our School Management Committee contact and Nangroi is Assistant Headmaster. This power couple have visited our church over the years. This event is a first-of-its-kind opportunity to feel the warmth of our partners … Continue reading Live Zoom Visit with our Khasi Hills India Friends

Khasi Hills

A video was presented at the March 21, 2021 church service as part of Share the Plate Sunday. The Khasi Hills Partnership team is hoping to raise the $4800 this church year for the second teacher’s salary at the Higher Secondary School that we have been supporting until the school is accredited and government funding … Continue reading Khasi Hills

Khasi Hills 2020-2021 School Sponsorship Project Outreach

Our goal continues to be to support the two additional teachers that were needed following the inauguration of our new Higher Secondary School in June 2016. We’ve raised $9600 for two teachers’ salaries ($4800 each) the last three years, doing so until government funding kicks in after accreditation. This school enables students to complete high … Continue reading Khasi Hills 2020-2021 School Sponsorship Project Outreach