Category: Khasi Hills

Wonderful visit with Nangroi Suting from, Khasi Hills

Rev. Nangroi Suting visited us for about 9 days in mid-June to give us an update on the Annie Margaret Barr School and continue our close partnership. If you missed his sermon, entitled, “The Purpose of Life,” you can watch it virtually anytime. He brought us two lovely gifts: a framed display of Khasi kitchen … Continue reading Wonderful visit with Nangroi Suting from, Khasi Hills

Khasi Hills India Visitor on June 18: Yoga Breathing, Sermon, and Luncheon

How exciting that the 20-year anniversary of our church sponsorship of the Annie Margaret Barr School coincides with UUA General Assembly. Reverend Nangroi Suting, who is the Assistant Principal of our school, will be here for multiple activities, with the main congregation events on Sunday, June 18. We hope many people will come for this … Continue reading Khasi Hills India Visitor on June 18: Yoga Breathing, Sermon, and Luncheon

Khasi Hills AGM

1st: Our church has been supporting the Annie Margaret Barr Secondary School in Kharang in the poor, rural Khasi Hills of India since 2003. We hope you will help us to support the two teachers we have been sponsoring that enables students to complete high school locally rather than traveling to the state capital. 2nd: … Continue reading Khasi Hills AGM

Khasi Hills Partnership Focuses on Cultural Exchange, Financial Support

Cultural exchange as well as financial and inspirational support is the focus of the Khasi Hills Partnership Team activities. Our church has been on the forefront of introducing U.S. congregations to authentic Khasi Hills traditions to supplement the more familiar cultural traditions of mainland India. We will continue last year’s new activity of recognizing the … Continue reading Khasi Hills Partnership Focuses on Cultural Exchange, Financial Support

Celebrating Khasi Spring Festival and Our Partnership

Hear about the indigenous roots of our Khasi Hills Unitarian sisters and brothers in India, including the spring festival, Shad Suk Mynsiem. Nandanik Dance Troupe will be performing, culminating with a festival dance in the garden. Maureen Porter of our Khasi Hills Partnership Team is the guest speaker. You are invited to wear bright colors … Continue reading Celebrating Khasi Spring Festival and Our Partnership