Category: Congregation News

Khasi Hills Rainwater Harvest Facility Construction

Our Khasi Hills, India partners at the Annie Margaret Barr School began construction on September 11 of the reservoir for the Rainwater Harvest facility at the school. This facility was funded through UU Faithify Global, with First UU Pgh leading the campaign. We are so excited to see these donations being put into action to … Continue reading Khasi Hills Rainwater Harvest Facility Construction

“Who are the Community Singers?”

We are a choir that is open to all members of First Unitarian as well as the wider Pittsburgh Community and that does many different types of performances. We make connections in the Pittsburgh community and perform at community events that have a focus on social justice, interfaith cooperation and/or multicultural celebration. These community performances … Continue reading “Who are the Community Singers?”

Board Activity Day!

Sunday, September 15, is Board Activity Day! First Unitarian’s Board of Trustees is responsible for financial management, policy, discerning the needs and desires of the congregation, planning for the future, and assessing the health of our religious community. In addition, there are several administrative committees that do the hands-on work of running the church, so … Continue reading Board Activity Day!

Racial Justice Task Force Monthly Film

“Torchbearers: The Story of Pittsburgh’s Freedom Fighters”, (a WQED production from 2006) will be our film for September. The film “revisits Pittsburgh’s struggles during the so-called golden era of civil rights, and meet many of the men and women who lit the way for the generations that followed. Hosted by Chris Moore and produced by … Continue reading Racial Justice Task Force Monthly Film

Building Power for Social Justice Through Voter Engagement

Voter participation will be key to what is arguably the most consequential election since the Civil War. Unfortunately, residents of frontline communities continue to experience a range of injustices because, historically, they have had so little influence on policy decisions. As a result, many feel alienated and disengaged from the civic and democratic process. The … Continue reading Building Power for Social Justice Through Voter Engagement


Our Sunday morning religious education program is hopping! A few more volunteers are needed to fill out our teaching teams at each level. There is at least one experienced returning teacher in each class. Needs we have are as follows: – Spirit Play teachers for PreK/ K and 1st – 3rd (Training provided!) World Religions … Continue reading VOLUNTEERS WANTED TO TEACH SUNDAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION!