Category: Congregation News

Live Zoom Visit with our Khasi Hills India Friends

Join us Sunday, May 23 9:30-10:30 to connect via ZOOM with Barri Mukhim and Nangroi Suting, our Khasi Hills friends. Barri is our School Management Committee contact and Nangroi is Assistant Headmaster. This power couple have visited our church over the years. This event is a first-of-its-kind opportunity to feel the warmth of our partners … Continue reading Live Zoom Visit with our Khasi Hills India Friends


We remember Amythyst Kiah’s ( riveting performance at SongSpace in 2018 despite incredible travel challenges getting to Pittsburgh. She’s since been a member of Our Native Daughters, an all-female roots group with Rhiannon Giddens, Leyla McCalla, and Allison Russell, and she continues to be a successful solo artist. Here she is performing “Black Myself” on … Continue reading SongSpace

A Message from the Board of Trustees; Repayment of the Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan

Dear First Unitarian Members,As you may know, the Board of Trustees voted at its March 17, 2021, meeting torepay the federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan that the First UnitarianChurch of Pittsburgh received in April 2020 rather than to seek loan forgiveness.The $71,200 loan (along with $661.28 in interest) was repaid on March 24, 2021.We … Continue reading A Message from the Board of Trustees; Repayment of the Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan

Khasi Hills

A video was presented at the March 21, 2021 church service as part of Share the Plate Sunday. The Khasi Hills Partnership team is hoping to raise the $4800 this church year for the second teacher’s salary at the Higher Secondary School that we have been supporting until the school is accredited and government funding … Continue reading Khasi Hills

Search Committee Interviewing Ministerial Pre-Candidates

Contrary to popular belief, the Ministerial Search Committee has not fallen off the face of the earth!  However, we are deep into the process of discernment and mutual selection with our three finalist ministers –“pre-candidates,” in UUA lingo.  This normally involves a visit of each minister to Pittsburgh over a whole weekend, but in COVID … Continue reading Search Committee Interviewing Ministerial Pre-Candidates

SongSpace and Joe Jencks Celebrate the Friendship House Concert Series

Joe Jencks ( is performing in the SongSpace Streams series on March 13, 2021, to celebrate Llouise and Jim Altes and the 16-year, the 101-show success that is the Friendship House Concert Series. We couldn’t be happier to host Joe and honor the Altes as people and as friends of live music. Joe Jencks is … Continue reading SongSpace and Joe Jencks Celebrate the Friendship House Concert Series