Category: Congregation News

Women’s Alliance Program

Alina Harbourne, the Refugee Sponsorship Coordinator at JFCS(Jewish Family Community Services), will present a program on Afghan resettlement in Pittsburgh. The sponsorship program involves having an organization sponsor a single-family (or individual) arriving here as refugees adjust to life in a new community. She will also tell us about other ways to help or get … Continue reading Women’s Alliance Program

The Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly 

The Unitarian Universalist Association is holding its annual General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, June 22-26, 2022.  Please consider joining with thousands of others UU’s either in person or online for worship, workshops, and learning more about our Association.  Let these fellow UU’s share why you should consider attending For more information: you’re a … Continue reading The Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly 


Action Alerts- and correction of Find your Senator or Legislator link In addition to our monthly lobby days, UUJusticePA is encouraging postcarding to lift up UU values. Our senators and representatives need to know that UUs support or oppose legislation they are considering. Go to to find your PA senator or legislator and their … Continue reading UUJUSTICEPA

The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (UUCF)

The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (UUCF) is a covenant group of First U of Pittsburgh whose members, in the spirit of our UU principles, are interested in exploring the Christian realm of our diverse faith spectrum. We provide a respectful, stimulating, and supportive forum in which members may rediscover valued aspects of their Christian heritage. … Continue reading The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (UUCF)