Category: Congregation News

The Installation of Reverend Dr. Kate Walker

Worship Service May 15, 2022Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. (prelude begins at 10:25) “Mystery”  A multi-generational service of stories and music that celebrates our experience of life’s great mysteries and the Mystery that some call God. This is a service for all ages, and children will remain in the service for its entirety. Erica Shadowsong and Ellen … Continue reading The Installation of Reverend Dr. Kate Walker

UAA Seeks Local Coordinator for 2023 General Assembly

The UUA is seeking someone from the Pittsburgh area to serve as the 2023 Local Area Coordinator (LAC) for General Assembly. General Assembly will be held June 21-25 2023 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Tasks of the Local Area Coordinator include:* recruiting local UUs to serve on the Local Area Task Force (LATF) … Continue reading UAA Seeks Local Coordinator for 2023 General Assembly

Celebrating Khasi Spring Festival and Our Partnership

Hear about the indigenous roots of our Khasi Hills Unitarian sisters and brothers in India, including the spring festival, Shad Suk Mynsiem. Nandanik Dance Troupe will be performing, culminating with a festival dance in the garden. Maureen Porter of our Khasi Hills Partnership Team is the guest speaker. You are invited to wear bright colors … Continue reading Celebrating Khasi Spring Festival and Our Partnership

First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh’s Annual Meeting

Save the date Sunday, May 22, beginning at 12:45 PM. The meeting will be hybrid – attend either in-person (attendance limited to 100 people at church) or via zoom. Those attending in person are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy on the front lawn after the Khasi Hills Celebration, which takes place in … Continue reading First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh’s Annual Meeting