Category: Congregation News

You Did It!

The Khasi Hills Partnership Team is excited to share that with the generosity of so many; we’ve met the church year goal of $9800 to fully sponsor the salaries of the two Higher Secondary teachers, Lamborlang Syiem and Altresha Marbaniang. Your contributions make a practical difference to our Unitarian sisters and brothers and the children … Continue reading You Did It!

First Unitarian at General Assembly

From June 22-26, seven First Unitarian members and staff participated in the UUA’s General Assembly in Portland, OR, virtually. Rev. Kate and Kyle Gracey attended in person. Ebe Emmons, Denice Galpern, Sonia Wellington, Jim Marino, and Jean Schmidt attended virtually. Everyone also served as voting delegates to help decide UUA business. The delegates at General … Continue reading First Unitarian at General Assembly

Exploring Food Inequality and Insecurity as They Relate to Race

Saturday, June 18, 2022, 10 am – 12 pm via Zoom: Register here The pressing issue of food inequality and insecurity and how it relates to race and ethnicity is of importance to UUs. Hunger and the ability to purchase/obtain food — especially nutritious food — affects many segments of our society, but especially persons of … Continue reading Exploring Food Inequality and Insecurity as They Relate to Race

Allegheny SolarFest

12:00 PM 6:00 PM Hazelwood Green (map) Our church’s Environmental Justice steering committee invites you to join us at Hazelwood’s Green Plaza from noon to 6 PM on Saturday, June 18 for this year’s Allegheny Solarfest.  First Church members and friends will meet at 2 PM for a group photo at the street light at the intersection of Lytle Street and Eliza … Continue reading Allegheny SolarFest

SongSpace at First Unitarian Presents The Early Mays with special guest Ol Whitetail

Saturday, June 25, 7:30 pm The Early Mays create Appalachian-inspired songs built on deep country sensibilities, masterful singing, and a sweet old-time sound. They burst onto the folk scene in 2014 with a #2 debut on the National Folk-DJ Charts: an album where fiddle, banjo, and guitar are the swirling backdrop to heart-melting vocal harmonies. … Continue reading SongSpace at First Unitarian Presents The Early Mays with special guest Ol Whitetail

Memories from Installation Sunday

Beloved long-time church member and renowned poet Christine Doreian Michaels presented a poem during the Presentation of Gifts at the Installation Service for Reverend Dr. Kate Walker on Sunday, May 15. Reprinted here are Christine’s words from the service, along with her poem ‘Shall We Dance?’ Reverend Kate, our Reverend Kate, you put passion into … Continue reading Memories from Installation Sunday