Category: Congregation News

9th Annual UUs of Greater Pittsburgh Cluster Gathering

Saturday, November 12, 2022, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm EST Join fellow Unitarian Universalists for a day of camaraderie, connection, and collaboration at the 9th Annual Assembly of the UUs of Greater Pittsburgh! We are honored to welcome Sydney Etheredge, President, and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Western PA, as our Keynote Speaker. She will … Continue reading 9th Annual UUs of Greater Pittsburgh Cluster Gathering

A New Vision for Stewardship at First Unitarian

What is stewardship? Merriam-Webster defines it as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” While stewardship and fundraising are related, they are not the same. Stewards look to the future and recognize that, while we do not own what is entrusted to us, we are responsible for handing it to the … Continue reading A New Vision for Stewardship at First Unitarian

Volunteers Still Wanted for Sunday Religious Education – Program starts 9/18!!!!

The Sunday RE programs can use a few more volunteers to complete our teaching teams and provide support as floaters, substitutes, and nursery assistants. The PreK/K class currently has no teachers, which may result in an overcrowded nursery! Please consider offering your time for 2 Sundays a month to tell Spirit Play stories…it is a lot of … Continue reading Volunteers Still Wanted for Sunday Religious Education – Program starts 9/18!!!!

Seven Sisters Quilters (formerly the UU Quilters)

The Undercroft Gallery is an explosion of color.  Quilts were hung in the Gallery this past Saturday.  Folks at Sunday’s service had a quick peek.  The visitors seemed as excited about the show as the quilters.  This Sunday, the Undercroft is open for all to visit.  We hope you do.  The Gallery will remain open … Continue reading Seven Sisters Quilters (formerly the UU Quilters)

SongSpace Presents Singer/Songwriter and Activist John Flynn!

09/24/2022 @7:30 PM John Flynn is an American singer-songwriter and activist known for his powerful music and tireless efforts on behalf of the lost and the lonely, the shackled and scarred. Long-time friend and Flynn champion Kris Kristofferson has called John “an important artist whose work in prisons, rehabs, and halfway houses is distilled into … Continue reading SongSpace Presents Singer/Songwriter and Activist John Flynn!


It is time to get started on our work as Election Influencers! For up-to-date information, go to UUJusticePA, UU the VOTE. We anticipate we will be working with PIIN – Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network, PAUNITED, The New Pennsylvania Project, and Vote Forward here in W PA. We will soon be getting information from our PA … Continue reading UU the VOTE PA!

Share the Plate is back with a new outfit!

Meetings and consultations with creative people have produced a new Share the Plate Program for us to offer support to other organizations. The program: A weekly 50% share of the offering between the church and the designated organization; o Every week, all cash and checks in the plate are shared 50% unless designated otherwise. Ex: … Continue reading Share the Plate is back with a new outfit!


LET’S CELEBRATE BEING TOGETHER AGAIN Join with friends, old and newIn-Gathering Service, 10:30 September 11Brunch in the Garden following service Please bring a tasty treat to enjoy and share as we break bread together at the start of this exciting new church year.If your last name begins with:A-D Breakfast casserole/quicheE-K Coffee cakes, sweet breadL-R Cheese/fruits/vegetables/dipsS-Z … Continue reading IN-GATHERING POT LUCK PICNIC BRUNCH