Category: Congregation News

GA coming soon to the ‘Burgh’

You may now view the General Assembly schedule, to see the lineup of informative workshops, inspirational worship services, and more coming June 21-25 to the David Lawrence Convention Center. You can see which programs will be on-demand, which programs will be live webinars, and which programs will be multi-platform (happening in-person and streamed for virtual … Continue reading GA coming soon to the ‘Burgh’

Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, May 21, 12:15 p.m.

The Board of Trustees announces the First Unitarian Church Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 21, 2023, 12:15 p.m., via Zoom and/or in-person in the Sanctuary.  This is a great opportunity to hear of our exciting year since the 2022 Annual Meeting. There will be many speakers and an opportunity to ask questions. Business to … Continue reading Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, May 21, 12:15 p.m.

PIIN Get Out the Vote Effort- 3 locations May 7, 1-3 PM

PIIN Get-Out-the-Vote Street Canvassfor the 2023 Municipal Primary ElectionA Community flyering event!Sunday, May 7, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PMPick from 3 locations: Swissvale Pittsburgh Mennonite Church, 2018 Braddock Ave,Pittsburgh PA 15220 Coordinator: Cheyenne Rhone at (412) 742-6752 Point Breeze Commonplace Coffee, 7514 Thomas Blvd, Pittsburgh PA15208 Coordinator: Bob King (412) 759-3776 North Side Yinz Coffee … Continue reading PIIN Get Out the Vote Effort- 3 locations May 7, 1-3 PM

The Share-The-Plate Charity for May is Tree Pittsburgh

Tree Pittsburgh celebrates 17 years of growing and protecting our urban forest through tree planting, care, education, and advocacy. The organization ensures all people have equal access to the many benefits trees provide by directing resources where they are needed the most. As the impact of climate change grows, cities are particularly vulnerable to rising … Continue reading The Share-The-Plate Charity for May is Tree Pittsburgh

Board: Masks Now Optional

Effective Immediately, masking is optional for all church events. Here’s the revised attendance policy adopted April 19, 2023, by the First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh Board of Directors. First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh welcomes everyone as we strive to be radically inclusive and keep our most vulnerable safe during a chronic Coronavirus pandemic. The following applies … Continue reading Board: Masks Now Optional

Humanist Group to discuss Restorative Justice

A central theme of Restorative Justice is managing the conflict in a community, rather than the preference in traditional justice to suppress conflict through punitive means. To give you a flavor of managing conflict using Restorative Justice principles, Claus will share what he learned in a recent workshop on the subject. IN-PERSON in the SCHWEITZER … Continue reading Humanist Group to discuss Restorative Justice