The Board of Trustees met via Zoom on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
Ratification of March 3 email vote: Motion to approve VIM questions for cottage meetings. Heather Masterson moved to ratify. Kyle Gracey seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
· What environmental and/or racial justice actions on the part of First Unitarian are you aware of?
· Which of these justice-directed actions do you value most and why?
· Recalling the adage, “Think globally, act locally,” envision a more socially equitable and environmentally sustainable region. In order to move closer to that vision, what are up to 3 critical components of your vision?
· What actions that address both racial and environmental justice could you see First Unitarian Church, as a community capable of passion, action, and learning, taking to reach your vision?
Vote on annual endowment withdrawal: The total to withdraw is $40,659.86, distributed to several accounts, which is done based on a formula. The largest item is $29,042.76, for the general operating expenses, which is almost exactly what was budgeted. Motion to approve by Kyle Gracey and seconded by Kate Snow. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of the Charter for the Committee on Shared Ministry presented by Reverend Kate (with minor modifications) with the appointment of the following members: Mary Denison, Chair; Michael Safran, David Doorley, Jim Reitz, Sue Oerkvitz. The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice and counsel to the Minister, the Board of Trustees (“BOT”), and the congregation so as to strengthen the quality of shared ministry within the congregation. For this purpose, “ministry” is defined as the spiritual and emotional health of the community in holding to its vision. Kyle Gracey moved that the Charter as modified and the appointments be approved, which was seconded by Heather Masterson, and carried unanimously.
Changes to the COVID reopening policy include: We do not have the capability of contact tracing, so notification will be via Breeze or through the contact information provided by visitors. Rentals will be exempt from the restriction on eating and drinking. Congregants will be allowed to sing, as long as they are masked. The common-sense reminder that if one is sick, to please join us from home will also be added. The motion to approve was by Kyle Gracey and seconded by Rob Schwartz. It was approved unanimously.