Author: First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh

Medical Equipment Loan Program

DID YOU KNOW that First Unitarian has a loan program for medical assistance items? If you, a friend, or a family member has a short-term need for crutches, a wheelchair, a walker, or other assistance items, please contact Ioulía at

Donate to the UUA disaster relief fund and win a quilt!

Our church’s Quilter’s covenant group has made a gorgeous 76×84″ quilt. It will be randomly selected as a gift to someone who has contributed, through Faithify, to the UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund. Contribute now, and you will be entered to win! (See the picture or visit the quilt in the garden lobby at the church.) … Continue reading Donate to the UUA disaster relief fund and win a quilt!

Singers invited to attend the UU Pittsburgh Cluster Choir Festival

Thurs 14 November @ UU Church of the North Hills5:45 – 6:45 – dinner7-9pm – rehearsal Sat 16 November @ UUCNH1pm optional performance for the UU Pgh Cluster Assembly Sun 17 Nov “tour” @ Allegheny UU Church10:30am optional performance at Sunday service More information and registration info: