Author: Erica Shadowsong
A Message from our LRED
We had a wonderful Sunday on 10/30 with several projects and the spirit of celebration! The Pumpkinfest, our kids’ pumpkin decorating project, is back for the first time since 2020! We decorated pumpkins and showed them off in the Undercroft during coffee hour, raising over $180 to give to the East End Cooperative Ministry shelter. … Continue reading A Message from our LRED
Anti-Racism Resources for UU Families
Dear families, I know this must be one of the hardest times you’ve ever had. So much has descended upon us all at once and suddenly, we all feel like we have to be experts at everything! I certainly share some of those same fears and concerns. In such times, pulling together is one of … Continue reading Anti-Racism Resources for UU Families