Annual Budget Meeting: Key Takeaways

Church Treasurer Kyle Gracey presented an overview of the draft 2025 budget at a congregational meeting on Sunday, December 8.

The budget projects total income of about $563,000 and total expenses of about $566,000, for a projected deficit of about $3,000.

The draft budget will enable the church to meet all of the following objectives, Kyle said:

• Preserve all existing programs and staff and give all staff and contractors a 2.2% cost of living increase,
• Provide small new or increased budgets for social events and marketing and for professional development for Lifespan Religious Education Director Erica Shadowsong (in line with new UUA guidelines) and
• Allow us to keep up with increases in operating costs such as utilities and health insurance.

Kyle noted that 80% of the church’s income comes from pledges and other financial gifts, while 75% of our expenses go to staff salaries and benefits.

Any church member who wishes to examine the line-by-line budget may obtain a copy by emailing Kyle at treasurer[at]