Board of Trustees
Our primary purpose as a Board is to inspire, direct, and hold accountable the Ministers and ourselves through the broad written policies we have established that reflect Unitarian Universalist values and perspectives. The Board must ensure that all divergent views are considered, yet it must resolve into a single organizational position on any issue.
Trustees are elected for three-year terms, with three new members being elected each year to replace the three who will be completing their terms. Nominations are made by the Nominating Committee chaired by TBA.
To contact all members of the Board of Trustees, send an email to

Officers 2024-2025
- Brian Junker (2026) President
- Jim Pashek (2027) Vice-President
- Nick Izzo (2025), Secretary
- Kyle Gracey (2026), Treasurer (2nd term)
- Raeann Olander (2025), Past-President
- Chris Milcarek (2025)
- Jean Schmidt (2026)
- Richard Dum (2027)
- Maria Lauro (2027)
- Rev. Kate Walker, Minister (Ex-Officio)
Financial Officers
- Bob Baron, Controller
- Margaret Stevens, Assistant Controller
The Board of Trustees meets every third Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Watch the newsletter for more details.
Board of Trustees Updates
Help Assess the Board by Dec 30
Annual Budget Meeting December 8 at Noon
3rd Quarter 2024 Treasurer’s Report