A Message From Your Art Committee

This Sunday, following the service,  a reception for the Fiber Artists with work in the Undercroft will be held after service. We will invite the artists who can be with us to say a few words. Visit the Undercroft, check out the show, have a few goodies and a cup of punch, and hear what some artists speak about their work. We hope that many of you can join us to appreciate this work.

This is the last week to put your photo in the box where we are collecting phone photos from members. The link to the submission form is HERE. It is effortless to do. Have an 8×10 copy of the image printed at your local drugstore. You can send a copy to your drugstore (or other places with photoshop) online and then walk in to pick it up – or you can do the whole thing walk-in. Drop your photo in the photo box in the Undercroft or the Garden Lobby, and it will be beautifully matted. See it on the wall with photos from other members of our beloved community in January.

Do you remember the quilt hanging in the Garden Lobby? It was raffled through the UU Raffle Web Site – ‘Faithify.’ UUs around the country had the opportunity to participate in the raffle. Your UU Quilters collected $855 from this raffle and sent the quilt to the winner, Sally H., a UU in Iowa. The money from the raffle was donated to our local Jewish Family and Community Service (JFCS) to support their Pittsburgh area refugee resettlement program, the same program that the Women’s Alliance is generously supporting. The Quilters took advantage of The Day of Giving to get a match for this JFCS donation from the Pittsburgh Foundation. Thanks to the Quilters who made this happen.