The Board of Trustees met via Zoom on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Jim Pashek joined as guest.
The vote on changes to 2021 Budget was presented by Kyle Gracey. The budget has been adjusted now that we have accurate information about the cost of the Minister’s health insurance premium. There was also an adjustment for a higher rate of on-line giving, with a subsequent increase in total Breeze transaction fees. Agreement for changes moved by Kyle; seconded by Kate Snow. Motion carried unanimously.
The Reimagining Fundraising Task Force report was presented by Heather Masterson. The Task Force has completed their review and made recommendations to approve a proposed charter for a Stewardship Committee and to assign the duties of the annual pledge drive and planned giving to the new committee, as outlined in the charter. The motion to accept the proposed charter was made by Heather, seconded by Kyle; Motion carried unanimously.
The draft Charter for the Marketing and Communications Team was presented by Rob Schwartz. The current two members (Nancy Latimer and Mark Whitaker) are willing to continue on. At least one more person is needed for the team. Rob will be willing to serve as the Board liaison. Motion to approve the draft charter as written was made by Rob, second by Kyle. Motion carried unanimously.