Mid-September to late October were busy months for our congregation in our search for a new minister. To present our Fellowship honestly, the congregation helped us evaluate our church: who we are (our strengths and weaknesses); what we want; and more importantly what we might need in a settled minister.
To complete our evaluation, 195 respondents filled out a lengthy Congregational Survey — an astounding 81% of our congregation; 103 members attended Cottage Meetings; staff and invited members engaged in Focus Groups and interviews; and 57 members gladly gave up a Saturday (Oct. 24) to participate in the Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop, which explored any unconscious biased thinking in our search and was led by Rev. Keith Kron from the Unitarian Universalist Association.
All of that data — our insights into our strengths, weaknesses and aspirations; plus descriptive, financial, and historical information about our congregation — will be incorporated into our Congregational Record. This multi-page document is somewhat like a job listing for our new minister. This will likely be the first thing ministers will read about us when they are considering a congregation. The Congregational Record will be published in December for potential candidates to study.
The Ministerial Search Committee has asked a lot of you these past months, and you came through to support our congregation and community. Your enthusiastic participation has been invaluable. Thank you.