UU Community Acoustic Gathering


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

Second & Fourth Thursdays: Gatherings for players of acoustic instruments to build both community and musicianship, with an eye toward supporting some Sunday morning worship services. For all ages and abilities.

Players of any acoustic instrument are welcome: fiddle, violin, et al. fretted strings of any kind, including ukulele, autoharp, flutes, and all woodwinds, single and double reeds, brass, piano, glockenspiel, you name it.

Our repertoire will begin with folk- and hymns-tunes, to develop over time. We’ll play both en masse or in small groups as the music requires (i.e. old-time stringband, wind bands.)

Please contact Ellen Gozion at instrumentalmusic@first-unitarian-pgh.org to receive regular information, updates, links to repertoire, etc.

Friends who play electric instruments and/or drum sets are welcome to play in our hymn band and our pick-up pop/rock ensembles. Please contact Ellen about participating.


Undercroft Gallery