Title: Imminent Changes to Immigration Policy and the Challenges Ahead
Speaker: Patrick Young, Esq.
With Donald Trump being inaugurated a week before this talk, Patrick Young, Esq. will set the stage for what the new president has vowed to be the biggest change ever in immigration history. Patrick will discuss the constitutional and legislative history of immigration law, and he will discuss current conditions for immigrants, and the impact of immigrants on American society. He will also describe what the Trump Administration is likely to do over the next four years, as well as what may be done to counter these initiatives.
This will be a hybrid Zoom and Live event in the Schweitzer Room at First UU. Zoom link.
About the Speaker:
Patrick Young is an attorney and Special Professor of Immigration Law at Hofstra University School of Law. He helped found the Central American Refugee Center on Long Island, and was the Legal Director of the Westchester Hispanic Coalition, and the Chairperson of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC). For the last five years he was the Director of Advocacy of the NYIC. Over the years he has helped train asylum adjudicators for the US Department of Homeland Security, he contributed to the database on human rights violations in Peru for the US State Department, and he documented human rights violations in El Salvador for the United Nations Truth Commission on El Salvador. Pat also helped create the Immigration Clinical Program at Hofstra Law. He served as an expert on NY Gov. Mario Cuomo’s council on New Americans. Pat’s recent attached picture was taken in the library of the First Unitarian Church of Brooklyn, where his wife Michele Ascione serves on the board. (Pat is also apparently a part-time elf – and the beard is real!)