The 2022 (Virtual) Alternative Gift Market for First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh starts Dec. 4 and continues through Jan. 1, 2023. The Alternative Gift Market continues our tradition of featuring selected charities to be beneficiaries of your financial support this holiday season as an alternative to more traditional gifts to family and friends. This year we are featuring three charities for you to consider:
They all serve people in need in ways that are consistent with our Unitarian Universalist values.
You may donate by check by downloading/completing a cover sheet and mailing to First UU, noting AGM 2022 in the check legend and indicating the charity(ies) to whom you are making a donation. (Mail to: First UU, 605 Morewood Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213.)
Reading Ready Pittsburgh

Reading Ready Pittsburgh, founded and directed by Mary Denison, a First Church member, partners with local underserved communities to support the healthy development of young children by increasing access to books and encouraging family engagement through reading.
Our programs include book gifting, book bag rotations, recycling of gently used books, and building small “Family Read, Learn and Play” centers in laundromats located in low income neighborhoods. More information can be found on our website.
A donation to support the delivery of 12 books to one child’s home by Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library for one year would be $25/year or for $100/year you can pay for Dolly’s books to be delivered to four children! Every child deserves a full book shelf!
Khasi Hills in Kharang, India

First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh has been supporting the Annie Margaret Barr Secondary School in Kharang in the poor, rural Khasi Hills of India since 2003.
Our goal has been to support two additional teachers that that have been needed following the inauguration of our new Higher Secondary School in June 2016. This school enables students to complete high school locally rather than traveling to the state capital.
The project yearly goal is to raise $9,600; $4,800 unbelievably covers one teacher’s salary for a full year. Since the pandemic, the Alternative Gift Market has been an even more important source of funds than past years. A gift of $25 supports a full day of a teacher’s salary, and $500 supports a full month. In the past an average contribution has been $50. Support for our school in any amount is greatly appreciated! Khublei!
UUSC Emergency Response Fund

The UUSC is supporting Ukrainian people facing oppression by using funds from its Emergency Response Fund. The UUSC builds upon relationships to respond to evolving needs and to provide funding where it is needed most through professional partnership organizations.
Both the needs of Ukrainian and Haitian peoples who face extreme violence are being addressed by the UUSC. Read more about how the comittee is aiding both countries.
(Top of the page image credit: Copyright: katisa)